Thursday, May 24, 2018

Can you see me?

25/5/2018 Friday

My girl bought a new dress with wide strips. She wanted a giraffe but with no lines on it.
We had a little debate on how the giraffe should be. She gave me her suggestions but confused me...and I confused her...Hahaha....
"OK, mummy, you draw anyway you think it's good."
Next day I can't wait to start  . . .  . . 

I do a quick draft of the giraffe, adjusting the position making sure certain part must be visible.

or at least the important outline should be visible. - the horns, the ears. tip of the eyes . . .

I use scotchtape to stick the lines(part) for the hidden part. ( no drawing )

I tat that's a smart idea? is it? . . .
yet i made my mistake on my first strolke  😓

 getting it . .  concentration . . . I told her about the mistake I had made(whatapps) without seeing it, she replied : "it's alright, it's art meh!" 😗

 quite done, I think

It's a bit tricky doing the back. I was deciding whether to keep the hidden stay hidden or to make the visible part hidden. The hubby thinks the previous is better. so? ON lah.

turn the paper and trace the outline

lay the blue plastic as the hall coffee table has rough uneven surface.
I did it in the hall so that I could watch or rather listen to our daily drama as the hubby watched. and keep him accompany too.

place the other palstic in between so that the color will not stain the inner lining nor the front piece. This is  a very important step, especially this material does smudge a little if the tip of the pen stayed a few more seconds.

pin the four edges :- the 2 hairy horns and tips of the ears

All was fine . . . .

ink running out..... Oh!!!! 😒😓

then hubby bring in cut apples and hazelnuts . . .

Opps , serious mistakes made........


can you detect the mistake?

Lovely, isn't it?

She wears the dress today!!!  😏😏😏😏

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